Well, the always-brief Canadian summer is over now, and this ad no longer seems to be running in the packages. We may never know whether Health Canada's enforcement team took action, or whether it was rotated out with the turn of the seasons.
Today I similarly stumbled one of its replacements - an ad that links this cigarette brand with Canada's famous pastime, ice hockey.
"Taste is always on its game. Inside the Circle." is the line that runs across a picture of the goal light. (For the uninitiated, every time a goal is scored against the visiting team, the illuminated goal light is accompanied by a klaxon).
Underneath the image of the goal light is small text which invites smokers to "show us your game" and to send pictures to the company (care of comments@johnplayer.ca.). What they do with those pictures is another mystery ...
I came across another package advertisement on the sidewalk a block or two further down. This one associates the John Player Brand (JP) with chilling, and with popcorn and a screen in the background, evokes movie going. (or is it evoking Netflix and chill?)
Post Script -- I have continued to come across lifestyle-like ads in John Player packages, and will paste them below as I do so.