For most Canadian workers, ten and a half cents on every pay-cheque dollar is deducted as a contribution to our national public pension program. Workers in Quebec contribute to the Quebec Pension Plan, and their contributions are invested by the
Caisse de Dépot et placement du Québec (the Caisse). In all other provinces, workers must contribute to the Canada Pension Plan, the funds for which are managed by the
CPP Investment Board (CPPIB).
Although these pensions were established in the mid 1960s, it was only 20 years ago that governments began investing pension contributions. Prior to 1999, pension payments to retired workers were financed with the deductions received from those who were still working. Today these two government-owned funds have more than three-quarters of a trillion dollars to invest.
These universal pension programs are not the only government-controlled pension investments. In addition to the CPP/QPP, governments own or regulate the pension funds for public sector workers, including federal and provincial civil servants, teachers, municipal workers and others. While the day to day operations (and investment decisions) are generally managed at arms' length, governments ultimately have direct or shared responsbility for the management of these funds.
Most public pensions in Canada including the CPPIB, the Caisse and the pension of public servants in most provinces - have opted to include tobacco industry shares as part of their stock-market portfolios. Nonetheless, five public pension funds in Canada have made the important decision to screen out any tobacco investments when deciding how to invest the money entrusted to them.
This blog and t
he accompanying fact sheet review the tobacco-related policies and practices of the pension fund managers who decide how these pension funds are invested.
A long-standing call for Canadian pension contributors to get out of the tobacco business
For many years, governments and private investors have been encouraged by health leaders to stop investing in tobacco companies. Since the early 2000s, medical associations, health charities and tobacco-control organizations in Canada have called on federal and provincial governments to divest of tobacco stocks, in keeping with guidelines for implementing the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
Despite this, with the notable exception of Alberta, governments have not consistently accepted responsibility for ensuring that the money under their stewardship is not invested in tobacco. While the funds have adopted responsible investment policies, the ones most of them use (integrating environmental, social, and governance factors into decision making or engaging with companies through shareholder motions) are ill-suited for protecting governments from being active participants in the damage caused by tobacco.
Canadian public pension funds which do not exclude tobacco.
Canadian Public Pension Funds which exclude tobacco from investments. |
Canadian institutional investors which have taken this pledge include the Canadian Medical Protective Association, the Desjardins Group and McGill University. These are in addition to other private pension investors which have ceased investing in tobacco but which do not participate in the Tobacco Free Portfolio pledge. Examples include the investment arm of the
Canadian Medical Association (MD Management, now owned by Scotiabank) and the
University of Toronto.
Reasons for Canadian governments to instruct
pension investors to screen out tobacco industry shares. *
Tobacco products fail product safety and ethics tests. There is no safe level of consumption of tobacco. When used as
intended, tobacco will have contributed to the early death of the majority of
smokers, more than 45,000 Canadians each year. Canada is a party to a UN Treaty which calls for divestment.
Canada ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2004.
Among the obligations in this treaty is the need to protect tobacco control
policies from the vested interests of the tobacco industry. In 2008, Canada supported the adoption of guidelines which
call for parties not to invest in the tobacco industry.
Partial ownership cannot be effective in addressing harms caused by the
The World Health Organization has made clear that engaging
with the tobacco industry conflicts with UN principles and values.
Other responsible investment strategies are ineffective.
Tobacco companies are poor prospect for effective use of ESG integration,
norms-based screening or investor engagement, as there is an inherent
conflict between the sustainability of the business and government’s
obligations to protect health.
There is no financial penalty to divesting.
Pension funds can continue to perform as well without tobacco industry
* modeled on New Zealand Superannuation Fund decision in 2007.